Delicious Japanese, I do not understand it.

【Marimo】 "We'll set up formation Arrowhead 3 centered around unit 06. Concentrate on protecting it's flanks and rear. In addition the pilots of the 19th imperial defense platoon will secure the rear in a Hammerhead 1."
【Yuuhi】 "...The 19th imperial defense platoon...?"
【Marimo】 "It is absolutely nesicary that it is the UN's responsibility for the protection of her Highness."
【Marimo】 "It is imperative that we get the displaced seat of power to Yokohama base safely."
【Marimo】 "Therefore the saftey of 06 is our top priority. Support vehicles and units will be holding highway route 135 thorugh the Atami pass and act as decoys."
...They're just going to be decoys from the city all the way up the mountain pass.
【Yuuhi】 "..."

【Marimo】 "Shirogane."
【Takeru】 "Ma'am."
【Marimo】 "No matter what you have to do sacrifice everything to get the Empress to Yokohama. Understood?"
【Yuuhi】 "..."
【Takeru】 "...Yes."
【Marimo】 "It is honor as soldiers of the U.N to be tasked such an operation, and there is no greater honour as citizens of Japan."
【Marimo】 "Therefore I expect the best from you. That is all."

【Yuuhi】 "..."
【Takeru】 "..."
......This is all happening because I've changed the future, there's no telling what'll happen next.
...I'm, I'm not going to stop here!
I can't stop!!
【Takeru】 "..."
Everyone....I won't let everyone die in such a place...
We'll....We'll make it...all of us!

【Yuuhi】 "Truely...I'm sorry to be a burden..."
【Takeru】 "I'll sure as hell get you to Yokohama. Trust me."
...We'll surive, I'll make sure of it!
We'll survive, we'll win and 'this world' will be saved.
I'll live and make it back to 'my world'...definetly!
【Marimo】 "207th strategic armored platoon...all units launch!"

【Chizuru】 "Unit 05 Tamase! You're falling behind!"

【Miki】 "R-roger!"

【Mikoto】 "The imperial unit were overwhelemed!"

【Meiya】 "Don't worry about it! The defense platoon are securing our rear!"

【Marimo】 "00 to all units. Stay calm, mantain speed and formation."

The imperial unit were steamrollered so damn fast――!!

【Chizuru】 "Unit 06! Can't you go any faster!?"
【Takeru】 "Don't be stupid! The Empress only has a saftey harness! I can't risk going any faster!"

【Yuuhi】 "Shirogane do not worry about me, please go as fast as you wish."
【Takeru】 "But!"
--We'll be rocking around like this for at least another 30 minuets, will she hold out?
I can't give her anymore medication she'll overdose.

【Yuuhi】 "--Quickly."
【Takeru】 "...Alright then! Unit 06 to all units, We're taking a shortcut by using the afterburners and jumping inbetween the valleys."

【Mikoto】 "--4 o'clock, radar's spiking new contacts! They just instantly popped up from the otherside of the ridgeline!"
――――When did!?
How did they get here so fast!?
【Marimo】 "All machines weapons free! Fight back if you need to! Remember the surivial of 06 is top priority!"
【Marimo】 "Keep in mind though, don't engage carelessly and thoughtlessly. It'd be better if you didn't engage at all."
【Meiya, Chizuru, Kei, Miki, Mikoto】 "Roger!"
【Shirogane】 "Roger!"
――――Damn it we're going to end up killing each other!!
No we need to surivive! We absolutley will survive!!

【Comm-Link】 "――This is intended for the ears of the commanding officer of the combined U.N and Imperial unit."
【Comm-Link】"――We will open fire. I repeat――we will open fire."
It's from the coup d'état forces! They're transmitting a warning over an open channel.
【Comm-Link】"Unless you stop immedietly."
Our pursuers!?

【Comm-Link】 "This ignoble act is violating the sovereignty of our Japan."

――I can't see!
――Where's it coming from!?

――What!? ――In front!?
――How did they get so close!?
――Should I open fire!?


【Comm-Link】"ASSHOLE! Don't lock on to me! I don't want to be killed by you!"


【Comm-Link】"This is the 66th United States Airforce Senjutsuki Battalion――"
――The US Airforce!?

【US Pilot 1】 "――Don't slow down! Keep going! Go go go!"
【US Pilot 2】 "Leave it to us!"

I'm still alive...!?
【Marimo】 "207 leader, understood!"
【US Pilot 1】 "No changes in your plan, keep going. Godspeed."

【Marimo】 "To all 207 units――Maintain formation and maximum combat speed."

【Meiya, Chizuru, Kei, Miki, Mikoto】 "Roger!"
【Shirogane】 "Roger!"

【Coup D'etat Pilot 2】 "Incoming! Eight contacts! US Millitary F-15E's, Stike Eagles!"
【Coup D'etat Pilot 3】 "Attention all United States air force planes. Cease all hostile actions at once! I repeat ――Cease all hostile actions at once!"

【US Pilot 2】 "Attention unidentified craft. Enable your real time interpreter or follow the UN mandate proceedure and identify yourself in English the international official language."

【Coup D'etat Pilot 3】 "You're a foreign nation intervining in a domestic affair. Cease all hostilities at once!"

【US Pilot 2】"Repeat! Speak in English the international language. I don't understand what you're saying."

【Coup D'etat Pilot 3】"To the United States Forces. Screw your English. I repeat. Screw your English!"
【US Pilot 2】"What!?"

【Coup D'etat Pilot 3】"You think we'll comply like loyal lapdogs, you who have come to our Japan, the stupidity."

【Coup D'etat Pilot 4】"They're coming!"

【Coup D'etat Pilot 3】"Eight Strike Eagles...This could be tough! Surround and annihilate them with a Crane's Wing formation. All weapons free!"

【US Pilot 4】"You assholes!!"

【Coup D'etat Pilot 5】"Aaac-!"

【Coup D'etat Pilot 6】"Geshikens, the F-15s are good close range dogfighters. Take back their advantage by engaging in two man elements."

【Coup D'etat Pilot 4】"Incoming fire from 7 o'clock. ――Contact! Out of nowhere!"

【Coup D'etat Pilot 3】"Impossible! There's nothing on radar!"

【Coup D'etat Pilot 4】"There's no data on the new units! They're new and advanced US aircraft! F-22A Raptors!"
【Coup D'etat Pilot 6】"All planes spread out! We'll be caught in a pincer manuver!"

【Coup D'etat Pilot 6】""

【US Pilot 5】 "Report your status everyone."
【US Pilot 6】 "Spike 2, alright!."
【US Pilot 7】 "Spike 3, quite well."
【US Pilot 8】 "Spike 4, everything A-Okay."
【US Pilot 5】 "Well done. The enemy forces are surrounding our forces, we will engage them from the side. Follow me!"

...we're alive all thanks to the United States forces.
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