The drone of afterburners reverberate around the tunnels of the hive as a unit of twelve Shiranui Type 94 Senjutsuki cut their way through the stagnant air. Unopposed, the unit coiled their way downwards at high speeds through the gigantic main shaft, leading them further underground.

Veterans of the Imperial Japanese army, descending downwards into the depths of the earth where few men have ever returned from alive. The elite, members who have lead countless counter attacks, outnumbered, for the sake of humanity.
"White Fang"
Their primary purpose this time; the destruction of the enemy 'Reactor' awaiting them at the very bottom of the hive.
However, they had been tasked with a secondary objective as well.

First Lieutenant Yui, the unit's commander, was seated in her cockpit in silence. She was enthralled by the panoramic view of faint blue light that surrounded her.
Images from the external camera of her machine engulfed her vision, the visual data directly projected onto her retinas. It was an unforgettable experience, the mesmerizing view all around could easily fool her into thinking just her body alone and unaided was floating and in flight.
The surroundings were so...alien...created by a species not of this world...beings not even of this solar system. There was this slight sense of subtle beauty invoked by the faint phosphorescence glistening glow of the unending cavernous passageway.
Yui took the spectacle all in, but then her heart momentarily surged...

The slaughter of humanity and it's resulting despair.
This was all a symbol of humanity's strife. Yui could no longer stomach the fact she found some sense of admiration for the enemy we should despise. She was angered and irritated at herself for harboring those feelings.
The lieutenant took a short instant to calm her feelings, to recover to a state of normality.

Being thrust into a mission inside a Hive no doubt caused extreme mental stress to any participant, but Yui's willpower was remarkable. Her ability to control herself in such an extreme situation was uncommon and unnatural.
She was a natural born soldier. Her raw sense of spirit and willpower reinforced and refined since infancy to now. Tempered and hardened into who she was today.
She murmured whilst narrowing her eyes at the view.
The purity of her spirit was just supernatural at the lack of a better term and just one of her more remarkable qualities.
To be disturbed by such thoughts, such images, to have your heart waver at the thought of it all was a sign of weakness and inexperience.
Yui was a soldier of the Japanese Imperial army defense forces. More importantly she was gifted with the surname of Takamura. As a Takamura the completion of the objective, her duty were all paramount, an unbreakable obligation in her life and should not be set aside due to difficulties or changes.
The cause of her aggravation, the view of the surroundings recorded by the visual sensors of her unit were all around. She couldn't avert her eyes away, as the images would still remain so she focused instead on the virtually imprinted heads up display showing data on her Shiranui.
The speedometer reading speeds in excess of 700 kilometers an hour... Information located to the side signaling her unit was in midflight...

【Military ATCO】
"Attention, White Fang 0 to all machines.
BETA forces have been confirmed.
Distance... roughly 6000, located ahead at 11 o'clock."
The headphones instantly come alive with the voice of the female ATCO.

Yui took in a long, drawn out, deep breath of air.
'Stay frosty out there, even if things start to heat up.'
The words she had remembered from the senior officer who had taught her everything, the man with the giant scar, crossed her mind.
"White Fang 1 to all units, cease flight immediately.
First platoon you'll move on ahead as vanguard.
Form an umbrella formation, second platoon shift into a wedge."

The flight packs of the entire company suddenly cut out, followed simultaneously by the firing up of de-acceleration thrusters. The fuselages of the machines gently land on the surface of the hive tunnel as eventually all thrusters cut out completley filling the air with nothing but silence.
The four vanguard units charge forward to take up positions just ahead, their heavy feet and the whirring of mechanics resonating sounds around the surrounding area until they come to a complete stop. The eight other machines further behind edge their way closer to the rear of them until they finally form an arrow like shaped formation.
A wedge.
The most suitable formation for dealing with a frontal assault in an enemy hive.

【Military ATCO】
"Attention, White Fang 0 to all machines.
That large BETA force is en route to your position."

The warning had been received, but Yui could not see any enemy reactions on the sensors or radar. Nothing at all.

Was the report incorrect, or were the sensors malfunctioning?
No, it could not have been either. It was probably the rather unique topography of the hive system that was wreaking havoc on the Senjutski compound sensors, with signals bouncing all over the place creating blind spots everywhere.

"White Fang 1 to White Fang 2 and White Fang 12, begin individual focused search operations according to clock directions."

The pilot of White Fang 2 in the vanguard first platoon sallied on ahead having recieved her orders from Lieutenant Yui. As soon as she focused her compound sensor to begin search operations directly ahead the radar readout lit up like a christmas tree.
【White Fang 2】
"White Fang 2 reporting.
Getting a reading, distance 2500, direction 12 o'clock.
Numbering...Numbers beyond sensor limit!"

Detailed information began to flood onto the image projected into Yui's eyes along with the radio report from White Fang 2 filling her ears.
A three dimensional image of the tunnel structure was overlaid across her field of vision, and where ever the sensor data had picked up an enemy target a red light flickered into existence until eventually nearly everything ahead of her company was a sea of pulsating bright red.

"Shotgun 3! Here we go!
First platoon, advance up to a distance of 1500 with the enemy as soon as there's an initial missile impact. Second platoon, follow behind afterwards, maintaining a distance of 100 with first, provide supportive covering fire."

The Lieutenant's ears filled with a chorus of pilots chiming in with their own positive responses to the issued orders.

"Begin the attack!"

【White Fang 11】
"White Fang 11, fox 1!"
【White Fang 12】
"White Fang 12, fox 1!"
At the very rear of the company, two support fire equipped Shiranuis opened up the vast array of missile banks resting on their shoulders. As the female pilots called out, a torrent of innumerable missiles shot out into the dark beyond at the closing BETA forces.

A thunderous roar filled the hive.

The entire company and the tunnel around them were bathed in a bright orange glow . Their frames shook and shuddered as they were hit with the returning concussive force of the explosion.

"First Platoon! CHARGE!
Second Platoon covering fire and advance!"

Their leader shouts out in a calm and professional tone. The four units of the first platoon activate their flight packs for a few short moments, propelling them forwards with a jet assisted jump, closing the distance with incredible speed.

They take aim with their rifles and open fire on the unending horde ahead that outnumbered them easily 100 to 1. The sound of 36mm rifles spewing forth round after round becoming the dominant sound that howled away in the rapidly filling main passageway. Wave after wave fell to the bullets ripping through their carapace and flesh.

However despite the attack starting off smoothly the vanguard unit rapidly lost momentum as it advanced. The four Shiranuis were forced to wade through the mountain of corpses and blood that washed up around their feet.
The allies of the massacred BETA frontline began to divide into two groups seamlessly, as if following the command of some omnipotent being, with one group splitting off to the left and one group splitting off to the right.

Just a few more moments and the first platoon would be surrounded, swarms of monsters encompassing them all around and the dead at their feet slowing them down, preventing any quick movements.

But to someone like Yui, this simply read maneuver had already been predicted.

The machines in the second platoon following behind had arrived at optimal shooting range just in time and just as planned. The left and ride side of their wedge formation let rip on the flanking forces, cutting them to pieces. The roaring gunfire of their own rifles adding to the chaos.

【Military ATCO】
"Attention, White Fang 0 to all machines."
The voice of the officer, who was the unit's only lifeline to headquarters hailed in once more, issuing a warning.
【Military ATCO】
"Enemy reinforcements. Brigade sized. 12 o'clock. Distance 3000! Approaching via hall H12 to H227."
The corresponding data appears in Yui's eyes, one set of the data catching her attention.

If the information on their closing speed was correct...Ruitare, the type of BETA also known as the destroyer class.
Yui steeled herself and her grip tightened around the controls. She was sure there were Ruitare mixed in amongst the approaching reinforcements.

The tank and grappler class BETAs at the far end of the tunnel began to pull away from their positions, converging on the sides creating wide, corpse filled pathways.

The wave of destroyer classes came crashing down into the tunnel in the far off distance, their hulking forms picked out by the infrared sensors of her Shiranui, the image magnified many times so that it seemed they were merely a simple outstretched touch away.
The lumbering beasts turned ever so slowly around until they were facing her and her comrades. Then like a violent tidal wave they set off into a gallop, surging forwards as one. This visage of impending destruction...this was the form that BETA took when their hated enemy, mankind, invade their territory.

"Notification to all White Fang units.
We will begin the field test of the experimental weapons.
Begin preparations!"
The gunfire momentarily ceased as several Shiranui's detached containers from their rear hardpoints. Two units, one of whom was Yui, from the second platoon began to connect the large sized containers located behind their Senjutsuki to the experimental weapons.
The first platoon retreated back into the positions of the second platoon, who themselves began to tighten the formation, setting up on either side of Lieutenant Yui who formed the central point of the wedge. The entire company's formation had changed into the shape of a tightly formed X whilst one of the rear guard set up in a position to draw in the enemy into the center with gunfire.
To select such a closely packed together defensive formation when facing the charging destroyer class in the confines of a hive was suicidal.
Only the 120mm cannons attached to their rifles, the most powerful rounds the Shiranui Senjutsukis' carried, could possibly pierce the thick carapace hides that thundered towards them and this formation did not capitalize on this fact.

A harsh warning tone echoed and pulsed throughout Yui's cockpit, urging, pleading that she begin evasive maneuvers.
The Lieutenant and her equally equipped wingman however stood firm, steadying their aim. The images that were projected directly onto their irises of the approaching targets began to shake and tremor as the destoyer classes reached their top speed.

"White Fang 3...are you good to go?"
She queried the other pilot, as they discarded their Type 87 assault rifles, the ammunition inside barely expended. The huge, suspicious looking new rifles, as big as the Shiranui's themselves, were locked into place, the stocks of the weapons wrapping around and over the Senjutsukis' right shoulders. A hushed beep in the cockpit verified the saftey was removed.

'Experimental Model 99 Rapid Fire Electromagnetic Rifle'
A new weapon produced by the Imperial Army's technological industry. The sound, like that of a jet engine gradually building up in power escalated, growing louder and louder, emanating from the mysterious weapons.
The many red lights on the radar readout were now at a speed and distance where evasion was impossible.


A sharp crackle of energy then a harmonious cry of gunfire drowned out everything. From the gaping maw of the Model 99 Electromangetic Rifles spewed forth a cascading torrent of 120mm shells, achieving firing speeds equal to that of a chain gun.
Empty shell casings were expelled from the containers behind like a fountain as rounds were constantly loaded autonomously. The incredible overwhelming force of the recoil from these viciously powerful weapons began to shake the entire frame of the two Shiranuis' to the point the cockpits inside were jarring uncontrollably.

Yui clenched her teeth as she concentrated on her targeting display and sensors, ignoring the violent vibrations all around her.
On the radar, the swarm of red dots looked as if they had come to a complete stop, their advanced entirely halted.
'Huh?' she thought to herself, was the sensor misreading again?
She returned her focus back to the visuals from her external camera.
The destroyer classes...were being ripped to shreds. The ones at the front were mutilated, the ones behind them took their place only to fall in the same spot.
Their hides, thicker, stronger than diamond were like clay to the barrage of gunfire.
These experimental weapons...they worked.
No, more than that they were a huge success.

Such a huge number of destroyer classes, their powerful counterattack completely halted just by two Shiranuis?
The lieutenant tightened her grip on the trigger of the FBL control system, laughing quietly to herself and her spirits lifted.

Even though it was a rookie's mistake to get caught up in such a furor, Yui just couldn't help but feel ecstatic at the scene before her.
To utilize these new weapons in a combat situation, all the uncertainty, all the doubts and the uneasy feelings you could feel when heading out into a life or death situation were simply washed away by their unquestionable power.
"All units, weapons free!
Eliminate them all, leave none alive."

Like an expertly conducted concerto, with the model 99's leading the orchestra and Yui's order's as the conductor the entire company opened up with a hymn of ordinance and a chorus of missiles impacting left and right. The first platoon pushed forward again, close quarters combat their forte and the second platoon providing fire support from their position.
The destroyer classes out in the rear who were still in the process of charging fell victim to cluster missiles, which streaked past them and behind their front armor before dispensing scattered child warheads into their exposed skin, obliterating any of the smaller BETA strains nearby.
They could win...They WERE winning.
Suddenly another urgent tone began to beep away in her cockpit, a warning message appearing across her vision.
The vibration sensors, which were picking up the recoil and explosions from the battle began to radiate a bright white.


The sound of earth cracking, breaking, shattering.
She couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Just over one hundred and ten meters of the tunnel had collapsed just ahead to the left and right creating great gaping holes. From these new tunnels an innumerable amount of grappler classes emerged like a thick cloud, sprawling their way into combat.
The first platoon, they were going to be isolated.

"First Platoon! Retreat!
Second platoon cover their retreat!
White Fang 3, supress the left flank!"
Yui shouted out in utmost urgency. The right flank...she hastily set her machine into motion, running to a position where she could pour fire into the new tunnel opened up there.
But the rifle, it was large, heavy, much more than the assault rifles she had grown used to and the turning capabilites were slightly off.

"Damn you!"
She was just in time, although the Grappler classes were dangerously close. As they readied their claws, preparing to attack, Yui and White Fang 3 opened up on their respective holes, swinging the experimental weapons left and right.
The flesh of the Grappler classes, much easier to pierce than the bigger BETA strains, was torn to shreds. One of the grapplers near Yui had just enough time to swing and use its claw as a shield at the same time to try and silence her but even the claw itself was shattered, fragments scattering into the air...right into her Shiranui. Shards of the claw smashed into her suit's fuselage.

She shrugged it off, didn't care, she was still alive and continued to hold down the trigger.

Then, just as there was a chance of turning back the tide the Model 99 fell silent. Alert sensors began to ring through the lieutenant's ears and her pupils darted all around the heads up display looking for the sudden abnormality.

"The barrel's overheating!?"

The experimental model 99 electromagnetic rifle was known to rapidly overheat due to speed at which it fired such large caliber ammunition.
That's why it was equipped with large-scale state of the art cooling systems but when there was trouble with the system an inbuilt safety would shut off the entire thing off.
Unfortunately for her it had decided to fail at the wrong time and the safety system had shut her new weapon offline.

Breathless and in desperation she reached out for her Type 87 assault rifle.
But it wasn't there. A sense of realization and dread took hold of her when she remembered she discarded it when equipping the new rifle and the mounting of it meant she only sortied with just one.


Wrinkled skin. Pulsating flesh. The heavy stomp of many feet. Her entire body shudderd in fear as it approached.

With its arms raised the closing grappler swung.

Her cockpit shook and shuddered as with explosive force the Model 99 was purged from Yui's hardpoint, freeing her right arm from the dead weight.
From a casing built into the forearm the hilt of a dagger designed for close combat shot out like lightning, followed by a second.
She lunged with all her strength.

She was too slow, a hair's breadth to slow...
'White Fang 1 is judged to be unable to fight anymore.'
A new, disembodied, computerized voice announced. The grappler's arm had frozen in place. It had pierced the outer armor but had stopped just before it tore into the cockpit.

Then, everything that she could see, the hive, the BETA and her allies all began to shatter into hundreds of hexagon shaped fragments. Everything was bathed in red light as the fragments started flickering out one after another. Large writing appeared in place up against the walls of the simulator, 'Virtual combat program 19 Voruk has ended.' and the entire machine began to shut down.

【voice 】
"Great...thing cuts out just when we need it most?
That means it's..."
Footsteps, it was Second Lieutenant Amamiya otherwise known as the female pilot White Fang 2. Amamiya had already emerged from the second simulator and approached Yui who was in the process of exiting her own.
【Yui 】
"No...the cooling systems were hit by a fragment of a grappler.
It was working perfectly until then."
【Amamiya 】
"Ah I see. Then the problem is the weapon's defensive capability."
【Yui 】
"No. If I hadn't let the enemy get so close in the first place it would not have been a problem."
【Amamiya 】
"Well, if your Senjutsuki was a little faster and readied your blades quicker it would have all been fine."
【Yui 】
"I...can't agree with what you say. No, the Senjutsuki was performing fine, there were no problems with it at all."
She reflected on what had just happened. With her gone the entire right flank would have been routed entirely. The first platoon and second platoon were completely separated from one another and would be easy pickings. They were going to be annihilated in a matter of minutes.
Even then, if she was able to hold out for a little longer only half of them would of have probably returned alive from that situation.
【Yui 】
"I was negligent.
I was too caught up in the capabilities of the Model 99 when I should have been looking out for Sleeper Drifts instead."
The entrance, called Sap Drift, had been covered with the same material that lined the Sleeper Drift.
All made from unecessary drifts dug out from hive expansion
【Amamiya 】
"Even if we were cautious, with just a single company 100% detection of Sleeper Drifts is impossible."
【Yui 】
Yui remained silent. Although it was just a simple combat simulator she was beating herself up and blaming herself over the poor the results.
Amamiya had known Yui for a long time and knew just what her friend was mulling over.
She knew Yui was a good leader and strategist who's methods had been the most effective when it mattered most. What happened was just beyond her control.
There was one easy way to ease the tension in her superior.
"If the First Lieutenant was in charge, the Imperial Army would of have taken back Sadogashima long ago."
【Yui 】
"... ... Amamiya."
Yui looked up to see the light hearted smile on Amamiya's lips. She felt relieved, knowing that her subordinates understood her and were willing to share her burden.
'I guess I did it again.' she thought to herself after regretting the way she had been acting.
It was just a nature she had inherited from her father and something that couldn't be easily changed.
【Yui 】
"You've made your superior officer feel foolish."
The young officer returned the smile to her subordinate, greatful for her concern.

The young technical officer's wavering voice echoed out across the conference room as he read out the report on the documentation in his hands. Seated all around were the top brass of the Imperial Army. Generals, high ranking officers, admirals and amongst them were the weapons development and manufacturing board of directors.
【Technological Officer】
"--As expected the Experimental Model 99 Rapid Fire Electromagnetic Rifle proved to show superior suppressive capabilities in all combat situations including but not limited to, open field warfare, forrests, urban warfare and hives.
In regards to the few minor problems that were reported they should be easily remedied in mass production stages.
That concludes the report."
【Major General】
"Minor problems? Why gloss those over, where's the detailed report about those?"
A Major General locked the reporting officer with a piercing gaze, quick to get his words in.
【Technological Officer】
"We're still in the process of fully investigating a permanant fix.
All the related information on our findings so far are available here if you just take a look..."

【High Ranking Officer】
"Coolant system problems aside there could also be trouble with the rapid fire mechanism.
Do you have a solution to that?
If anything, that little bug might be worse than the coolant problem."
【Technological Officer】
"Ah- There's a...problem with the rapid fire mechanism?"
An admiral interupts the exchange, growing ever impatient with the young engineer.
"We've seen all the official data but I've heard that the source of the technology for the Model 99's comes from Yokohama.
If that's the truth this means that to you this is all black box technology."
Yokohama. On hearing the name of the largest ever UN base in the Far East concerned whispers started to pass between individuals in the conference room. The silence of the Technological Officer was damning.
【Female Officer】
" 'Yokohama'...ah so it has to do with that woman. She's known to be quite troublesome.
So how is this all related to the project?"
【Major General】
"If my investigations are true it means the design of the rail gun technology to be used for the fourth plan was leaked and used for the Model 99 development."
"Not just the design. The very core components were taken from Yokohama."
【High Ranking Officer】
"Then...this is all based on their work with that 'element'?"
【Major General】
"Hmm...should this case ever reach the ears of that woman things would get very difficult, as her expectations for this would be eccentric.
Would the Model 99 ever make it off the drawing board with her demands?"
Hushed whispers and concerned debates flare up in the room again.
One of the board of directors seeing that the Technological Officer was at his limit decided to take over.
【Director of Arms Manufacturing】
"Ah~! I understand your concern but that matter has already been solved."

Everyone else was silenced by the director's announcement and all the eyes in the room fell upon him.
【Major General】
"The situation's already resolved? You better have a good explanation."
【Director of Arms Manufacturing】
"This so called 'leak' was infact a proposed offering from the other involved party."
More whispers amongst the gathered officers.
【High Ranking Officer】
"I see now...they're trying to make us indebted to them."
【Major General】
"If that's the case then all we need to be concerned with is seeing if the Model 99 can produce promising, practical results."
"We need firepower greater than what the Wadatsumi is capable of. Even if it means getting indebted to Yokohama..."
【Female Officer】
"Well then, the devlopment will have to continue."
【High Ranking Officer】
"As long as we have the option to decide wether to pay back this debt or not."
Although the continued development of the Model 99 looked to have been complicated everyone seemed to be in agreement on the matter.
【Army Colonel】
"Matter 102, the Experimental Model 99 Rapid Fire Electromagnetic Rifle. Development is to continue untill it is ready for mass production."
The colonel headed the meeting looked around the room to see if anyone had any objections or anything to add. Seeing no dissention at all he nodded to the technical officer and the director of weapons manufacturing incharge of Model 99.
【Army Colonel】
"Contact your officers on duty an inform them of the schedule details ―Right, onto the next matter."
Before the Colonel could even pass over to her an old yet well-built officer took to the center.
【Female Officer】
"Matter 121, the overhaul and modification requests for the Type-94 Senjutsuki"

Varied detailed reports and requests had been pouring in from pilots and maintenance teams to Logistics Headquaters related to their newly issued Shiranuis.
It wasn't that there was anything majorly wrong with the Shiranui, infact it was to be expected that such requests would flood in concerning a brand new unit.
All the requests for modifiction and minor improvements were a testament as to how popular it was as a machine and everyone's desire to get it perfect.
That is how a weapon becomes perfect, by listening to and acting upon all the feedback from the field, but-.
【Chief of Senjutsuki Development】
"I have to apologise, but we just can't keep up with the rate of demands and requests at this moment."
Indifferent to the sea of noise and whispered conversations filling the conference room the project leader of the Shiranui development team, the Chief of Kawasaki Heavy Industries placed a hand on the thick folder of documents labled 'Type-94 Senjutsuji Requests" and announced calmly.
【Chief of Senjutsuki Development】
"As you are aware, the development of the Type-94's airframe has been researched and planned thoroughly due to the high demands in it's required specifications. Because of those high specifications for a mass production unit there is a limitation on what we can actually do with the current airframe."
【Female Officer】
"…because of that, you're saying it's impossible to modify?"
【Chief of Senjutsuki Development】
"It's not completly impossible.
But if we were to give into the requests we would need to rehaul the entire Type-94 design. That will involve replacing all models.
All that will cost valuable time and manpower which we just can't afford at this stage for such minor performance changes."
The Chief unaturally stressed the part about it being minor.
And naturally everyone else fell into line, understanding what he meant.
We just didn't have the luxury to do it - that's what he meant.
There were three key players in the development and production of Senjutsuki currently based in the Japanese Empire, Kawasaki, Fugaku and Kouryou. All three of which were pushing forward production stages for the recapturing of Sadogashima, putting the majoritory of their time into the production of the Type-94's successor, the main unit that would lead the way for the continental counter offensive that would follow.
When it came to the BETA and their numerical advantage the development of newer, better units and deploying them in larger numbers was paramount.
What the Chief honestly wanted to say was that as long as there was no major problem with the Type-94 operating then a complete rehaul with the requested modifcations would be one big waste of time.

【Chief of Senjutsuki Development】
"I'd just like to add that even if we were to incorporate all the adjustments and requested improvements in a rehaul then the resulting units would still be far from reaching projected third generation standards."
Debates and shotuing flared up all over the conference room with the Chief's last statment almost escalating into anarchy.
【Major General】
"But, look at how long the Type-77 has lasted so far in service. We just can't forget about it without even trying anything."
【Technological Officer】
"Ah but the Type-77 is being replaced by the Type-97, but it's defensive capabilties at the moment is-"
【Female Officer】
"Our main forces need those new units.
If it's going to be impossible to rehaul the Type-94 then it's only going to be the same for the Type-97!"
【High Ranking Officer】
"If our own industrial power is incapable of meeting the demands I think it might be time to consider importing units from outside the country."
【Major General】
"The nerve.
Ever since it was confirmed that the Senjutsuki would be the main weapon required to fight against the BETA we'be managed to maintain domestic production lines. That's why we developed the Type-94--"
【voice 】
A single officer had remained silent throughout the entire meeting, listening in on everyone's opinions on the matter. Lieutenant Colonel Iwaya Eiji, the vice director of the Imperial Army's Weapons Technology Development opened his mouth and requested permission to speak.

Out of all the millitary officials present at the meeting Iwaya was the youngest of the lot, yet his presence demanded their attention, silencing them.
He had earned himself reknown as a legendary test pilot thanks to his incredible efforts in conflicts on the mainland. His impressive career so far garnering authoritory over even the older general's out of sheer respect.
The giant scar cut across his face a reminder to all of his true worth as a fearless and respecatable soldier caring little for danger. Together with his hard built features it was a real ode to his character.
To ensure everyone was focused on him he shot a cold hard stare at the Director of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, forcing him to take a seat.
Then as he slowley surveyed all around him he spoke.
"Gentlemen I would like to put forward an unusual solution."

Yui looked up from the foot of the servicing gantry at the chief of maintenence , Takemi Kazuchi, discussing with him all the technical faults she had recently found with her personal unit.
"As I thought I'm having compatability issues with the control system.
No wonder I made such a terrible mistake..."
【Maintenance Chief】
"All you've been piloting recently is the Shiranui in the simulators.
It's giving you incorrect balance adjustments from the accumilated data making your sense-"
The maintenance chief suddenly ceased his attempt to explain the problem presented through the series of operation data that ran across the screen of his hand held computer, instead saluting over Yui's shoulder.
"Apologies for interupting...but could you excuse yourselves for a moment?"
Yui turned around to see the other maintenence personel saluting Lieutenant Colonel Iwaya.

The entire maintenence team left the hanger as Iwaya acknowledged Yui's salute.
“Lieutenant Colonel, how did the previous day's conference go ?”
Iwaya gave Yui a brief summary about every aspect of the conference.
She had to hold herself back as she listened intently to the Lieutenant Colonel's run down fighting back against an irritation building up inside her only for it to explode when he reached a certain key phrase.

"Importing machines from overseas is out of the question! It was our country who developed the original idea for the Senjutsuki through our own efforts! It was our sacrifice, the blood and sweat of our predecessors..."
She stopped midway through her rant, keeping the last few words to herself.

To interupt a commanding officer with such an unprecedented emotional outburst, she was beside herself with shame, taking advantage of her relationship with Iwaya the irreplaceable friend of her father. She couldn't forgive herself for loosing it there.

Iwaya's sudden burst of laughter extened all throughout the hanger.
" I knew you'd do that--hahaha...you'll never change, will you, Yui-Chan~"
"Ah...Please don't do that Lieutenant Colonel! I'm...I'm on duty."
"Stop and think.
Why is that I haven't gotten straight to the conference's conclusion?"
He was just trying to tease her from the start.
Thinking about it now, Iwaya was the type to get straight down to the point as to what mattered and what would have resulted from the meeting. All of these extra little details seemed pretty moot.
Her face was aflush with crimson.
After taking in the incredibly complexe expression painted across her face Iwaya continued.
"So when are you going to get past this self loathing habbit of yours? You're indeed just like your father but in that respect you still need to work through this."
"My sincerest apologies, Lieutenant Colonel. I'm ashamed of my immaturity."
"Oi oi, I've managed to get us all alone.
But you still insist on not calling me 'uncle'?"
Yui gave up after seeing the genuine smile on his face, she was just no match for him in anyway.
To her he wasn't just a legendary test pilot or a veteran soldier.
Iwaya knew her since she was a child, he even took her in as a friend of her late father, training and raising her like he would his own daughter. He was a hero to her.

"Anyway, there's a reason for my long winded summary."
The stern look of a veteran soldier returned to Iwaya's face as he nodded his head in confirmation.

And the sobering tone of a superior officer seeped back into his voice.

"Lieutenant Takamura. Due to the combination of your strong desire to see domestic production to continue, your vast knoweledge and piloting capabilties you've been assigned a special mission."
"A special mission...you say?"
"That's correct. As a representative of the Imperial Army's Weapons Technology Development you're being reassigned to Alaska."

this VN takes place after the anime so when it ends this will be released! right now its just literally a ten minute read
ReplyDeleteI sure do hope theres an english sub version