Thursday, 25 June 2009
This needed nothing
Tiny post sure is tiny. Lol so randumb. I should use the term "guardsmen" instead of pilots. To hell with it.
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Alternative Episode 1 Part 01
My hands are made of ham. I am hamhanded. Ellipsis everywhere!

【Takeru】 "......"
Where...? I?
【Takeru】 " bedroom?"

【Takeru】 "--It is my bedroom!"
No doubt about it, this is my bedroom.
【Takeru】 "H-huh...?"
....Tears, why am I crying?
So suddenly with no reason at all...
【Takeru】 "Haahhh........."
【Takeru】 "......"

...Somehow...I feel as though I had a really messed up dream.
A real crazy...messed up dream.

I enrolled with the army, operated a senjutsuki...then...Earth was just abandoned....
After all that happened I couldn't do anything, I was washed away with the series of events...
In my own dream I was utterly useless.
【Takeru】 "......"

How messed up in the head was I to come up with something as horrific as BETA?
I even fainted after freaking out because of them...

There was also that time where I almost died on some island in the south....
...I can't remember how I survived...
【Takeru】 "Ah....mmmm..."
...It was a dream...I wouldn't be able to remember every little detail.
【Takeru】 "Ah..."
...Pretty amazing though.

Everyone was there, class rep and Meiya...
Mikoto had also changed into a girl....

Yuuko-sensei as well, Marimo-chan as well....Tsukuyomi, the three idiots...

【Takeru】 "......"

...but, Sumika, she was never there.

But there was Kasumi and Kyoutsuka...huh?
【Takeru】 "......"
Dreams are supposed to be fabricated from my memory, right?
That's weird, I don't know those two...I think.
...My knowledge of firearms and the army...are still frighteningly vivid and detailed.

Was it a dream?
Was all that really a dream?
【Takeru】 "......"
8 o....clock...
Training!...No, it's
But...I don't feel right.
I don't feel any sense of urgency to leave the house...nothing at all.
That feeling, of having to rush to get to school on time, feels like someone else's problem. That sensation just isn't coming to me at all....wh-what...?
Instead I'm gripped by a different feeling, something else I don't understand...
Just what is this sensation, what is it....?
【Takeru】 "..."
...Was it...really all just a dream?
【Takeru】 "..."
I'll know...I'll know when I look outside the house.

...This feeling.

...This terrible feeling of mine.

...That what I pray will not happen...will...

【Takeru】 "..."
My house is in ruins....

It's not...a dream...
【Takeru】 "It...wasn't a dream..."
Everything around me was proof...everything that was in ruin.

Isn't this strange!?
If it wasn't a dream....why...well, how did I end up here!?
For what reason am I doing back here!?
...Did I...return back to that day!?
No, I can't of have gone back. Was my dream...foresight?
【Takeru】 "......What. What the hell."

【Takeru】 ".........tsu"

【Takeru】 "....haa."
...This is real.
Yes, this is certainly reality.
Well to be more accurate, it doesn't matter at all if this is a dream or reality.
This is where I am right now...
At this very moment in time I exist here...
That is why this is reality.

【Takeru】 "This is a...Gekishin...right?"
...No mistaking it, it's exactly the same as that day.
The only difference is my memory...
On that day...I remember seeing this guy and going absolutely nuts....
I knew nothing of the situation, thought it all just a dream...I just started to do things randomly without considering anything, just what did I do in that world I thought a dream?
If I remember correctly I approached it like this...
【Takeru】 "Whoops! Crap!!"
...I'm not exactly sure...but I have a feeling that happened as well. what?
Should I go and check out Yokohama Base now, to see if it's there?
Perhaps it might be better to stick to the same schedule as last time...and have a look around the town until 11o'clock?
I don't quite know yet if I have gone back in time,
But if I really have,
It'd be better not do anything careless and really mess things up?
【Takeru】 "..."
...At any rate there's no point in staying here.
If I'm going out...I'd better change into my uniform.
Until I can confirm that time has gone backwards, it'd be best if I try to keep every as it was before without changing anything.
Whether this is truly a dream or if I somehow went back in time...I'll know, as soon as I get there.

...Hiiragi-cho is nothing but ruins.
The train station and the shopping district are nothing but rubble.
The overhead platform had collapsed, every part crumbled and broken just as I remember.
All of this, just more proof to support the theories that I had a dream about the future or I had gone back in time.

That crazy ass dream. There has to be a reason why I can still remember it.
【Takeru】 "..."

If I can recall correctly from what I saw in my dreams...what happened during those two years...

Alternative 5 underwent operation, the abandonment of Earth....
The utter destruction of everyone left behind...
【Takeru】 "..."

I remember seeing the last destroyer class space vessel launching...I'm certain...
After that all of us left behind launched a global counter offensive operation...
Then my unit was also drawn into a great deal of the operation... unit...

Everyone was in the 207...right?
【Takeru】 "..."
...And after that...?
【Takeru】 "..."
...I can't recall any details...not a thing after that.

【Takeru】 "...But."
...At this very moment in time...situated safely in the LaGrange points, the emigrant space fleet is being constructed
I'm certain that Alternative 5 has just begun.
I'm the only one...the only one who can stop it from happening!
Because of matter what I have to do, no matter what it takes I have to help Yuuko-sensei complete Alternative 4.
That's all I can do in this situation...No, more than that, it's what I HAVE to do.

【Takeru】 "..."
Honestly...there's no proof that what I know is actually happening.
But it's there...memories of all that could happen so I'll know if I'm right., when I reach the base....

【Takeru】 "..."
......As I thought.
To me now, the surrounding scenery on this commute to school left me with a lingering impression.

The row of cherry blossoms that lined the road leading up to the gate of the guardsman training school.
All fallen, gone, scattered far and wide across the mainland just like the many soldiers who now sleep peacefully beneath the earth after the recapturing of Honshu.
【Takeru】 "..."
...... Was it them who called me back?
After it was decided that Earth was to be abandoned, all their feelings, desires and sacrifices were for nothing...
If all one billion of us could escape into space...maybe it'd be a different story...
But...only ten thousand of us could get away.

...Anyhow...lets get up this hill.
To see if Yokohama base is there...or if it's become a tomb...
【Takeru】 "...ah!"
...Shit. The Game-Guy...I left it behind.
......Should I go back to pick it up...?
【Takeru】 "..."
...No. This could turn out for the better.
Doing the same exact same things as before with what I no longer a requirement.
What I did before wasn't exactly the best way things could happened.

【Takeru】 "..."
......Hah hah hah.

That's a sure sign, the radar that freaked the hell out of me before.

Yokohama, home of the 11th United Nations Pacific Ocean was definitely it.
--Damn it!
......Argh, guess so.
This was exactly the same as before.
......But, I already knew that.
Before I had even verified what this world was like,
my mind knew, I already knew long ago.

Shit--this isn't the time to be troubled by that.
【Takeru】 ".......fu"
*SFX: Footsteps*
......I hear them. Just as I remember.
Everything that happens is just another step towards the demise of mankind.

【Gate Guard 1】 "What are you doing out here?"
...They're here.

【Gate Guard 2】 "Were you on leave? Man you're weird.
Even if you did leave there's nothing but ruins out there."

【Gate Guard 1】 "Returning back to your unit? Just show us
your permit of leave and identification tags, please."
I neither had a permit and I hadn't been issued with my tags yet, but I hoped they would recognize me.

【Takeru】 "Thanks, keep up the hard work."
【Gate Guard 1】 "...Huh? What are you talking about?
Come on, you need to show us your permit to go on ahead.
Stop kidding around."
Of course, getting through wouldn't be that easy.
【Gate Guard 2】 "We can't let any old person in a uniform inside,
we have to follow rules and regulations.
We can't make any exceptions...huh?"
【Gate Guard 1】 "What is it?"

【Gate Guard 2】 "......"
My recollection of details from memory was a little hazy, but I do remember me getting thrown into a cell last time......
【Gate Guard 2】 "...This guy, he doesn't have a unit insignia"

【Gate Guard 1】 "...Yeah you're right."
【Gate Guard 2】 "..."
【Gate Guard 1】 "..."
【Gate Guard 1】 "State your service number and the unit you're attached to."

Their looks...the men suddenly became so cold and stern...I tried to remember.
【Gate Guard 2】 "Sorry, we just want to make sure."
【Gate Guard 1】 "..."
【Gate Guard 2】 "..."
【Gate Guard 1】 "State your service number, the unit you're attached to and present your permit."

【Gate Guard 2】 "Move!"
【Takeru】 "I'm moving, cool off."

【Gate Guard 1】 "Silence! Spread your feet and put both your palms against the back of your head.
Slowly, no funny moves."
【Takeru】 "..."
【Gate Guard 2】 "Do it already!"
【Takeru】 "Understood."

The way things are going, I'll be put into that cell again for a couple of days.
From there I'll be able to get back into unit 207,
but should I really just slide my way back in as easily as that?
If I could talk to Kouduki Yuuko sensei, just tell her everything I knew
even if it was just one second earlier than last time,
wouldn't that be better than letting time go to waste?
【Gate Guard 2】 "...that's odd."
【Gate Guard 1】 "What is it?"
【Gate Guard 2】 "The uniform, it's the same as the training unit but the material is different.
There's also no sign of any insignia ever being on here."

【Gate Guard 1】 "......
Bastard, how and where'd you get the uniform?"
Damn...I can't be wasting any time with this!
【Gate Guard 1】 "Don't move!"
【Gate Guard 2】 "That manner...his physique...his posture..think he's a soldier?"
【Gate Guard 1】 "No way, even if he is one there's too many messed up things about him.
He's far to suspicious."
【Takeru】 "..."
【Gate Guard 2】 "Anyway, you're coming with us..."

【Takeru】 "..."
【Gate Guard 1】 "Ah!"
A-...? The hell...? It doesn't hurt at all.
...Its...not just my memories...but my physical strength
I've managed to keep that as well?

【Gate Guard 1】 "Do not resist!"
【Takeru】 "Hey it's not like I want to resist, you know?
There's just a reason I can't be detained by you."
【Gate Guard 2】 "What...?"
--This could be it, my only chance.
If I just mention Kouduki Yuuko sensei's name now...
【 】 1, I need to see Kouduki sensei now!
【 】 2, No, I'll let myself get caught like before.
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【US Pilot 9】 "They're Jap type 94's...lots of them."
【US Pilot 10】 "Give them hell! Keep their heads down!."
【US Pilot 11】 "You fuckers!"
【Coup D'etat Pilot 7】 "Thirty Six F-15E Strike Eagles! More than expected!"
【Coup D'etat Pilot 8】 "Seize the advantage! All machines forward!"
【US Pilot 11】 "Attention all battalions retreat to the mountains and form a defence line."
【US Pilot 10】 "They're manuvering quick! Don't let them get through!"
【US Pilot 9】 "What the hell!? More enemies, two o'clock."
【US Pilot 10】 "Retreat to the mountains! Keep to your elements!"
【US Pilot 9】 "I count twelve! And the number's growing! Quick! They're coming around!"
【US Pilot 12】 "Damn it, another company of type 94s?"
【US Pilot 11】 "Even if you corner them in a dogfight those type 94s resist"
【US Pilot 13】 "Very fast! Are these really Type 94s!?"
【US Pilot 12】 "Heat 9 and Heat 11 drop back! Maintain formation!"
【US Pilot 14】 "Watch out! That guy's in Russian Colors! His moves are better than the others!"
【US Pilot 12】 "Russian colors? He's a top notch from the Fuji instructing unit. Must be a real bad ass."
【US Pilot 11】 "All platoons retreat into formation Diamond-1. Hurry up and form a defence line."