Jelly rolls. Jelly rolls. Nobody loves you. Gee guys I guess we'd better see the professor.

【Takeru】 "Look, please, I need to meet professor Koudzuki!"
【Gate Guard 1】 "...what?"
【Takeru】 "Here at this base. There has to be a professor Koudzuki.
I'm here to meet with her."
【Gate Guard 2】 "Professor Koudzuki...? ...For what reason?"
【Takeru】 "I'm not required to say...just call her and tell her I'm here."
【Gate Guard 2】 "......"
【Gate Guard 1】 "......Alright, I'll check it out. What's your name?"
【Takeru】 "Shirogane Takeru."
【Gate Guard 2】 "Are you sure?"
【Gate Guard 1】 "It's something concerning the professor, I'm just reporting it in nothing wrong with that, right?"

【Gate Guard 2】 "Yeah I guess not...
Anyway, just wait here and follow my orders until it's called in."
【Takeru】 "I understand..."

【Gate Guard 1】 "Oi, Shirogane Takeru..."
【Takeru】 "Yes?"

【Takeru】 "--huh!?"
【Gate Guard 1】 "Give yourself up, you're coming with us..."
【Takeru】 "The hell!?"
【Gate Guard 1】 "The professor said she doesn't know a bastard like you!!"
【Takeru】 "You're kidding!?"
What does this mean!?
But that time before, what other reason did sensei have for freeing me from the cell in the first place!?

【Gate Guard 2】 "Now, come on!"
*Guard 2 grabs a hold of Takeru*
【Takeru】 "STOP IT!!"

【Gate Guard 2】 "WAH!"
*Takeru throws the poor guy down*
*The other guard fires a round into the ground*

【Gate Guard 1】 "The next won't be a warning...don't move."
【Takeru】 "Wait, I don't want any trouble here.
Just let me speak to the professor directly."
【Gate Guard 2】 "Like hell we'll let you do that now."
【Takeru】 "You can't keep messing around with me! We don't have anymore time!"
【Gate Guard 1】 "Shut up!"
【Takeru】 "The way things are, we won't be able to fix anything!"
【Gate Guard 1】 " way...
Oi, request command to reinforce us as a precaution."
【Takeru】 "No! Look that isn't what it's about!!
It's really about...aahhh!
Look, as soon as I meet sensei she'll understand!"

【Gate Guard 2】 "Sensei...? Stop complaining already, move!"
【Takeru】 "If I go quietly can I meet her?"
【Gate Guard 1】 "Are you an idiot? Until we can identify who you really are you'll be detained."
【Takeru】 "Then I refuse...I ain't going anywhere."
【Gate Guard 2】 "Is that complaints then if I put a bullet in you?"
【Takeru】 "...I freakin' dare you to...
Can you really use that weapon of yours on something that's not BETA?!"
【Gate Guard 1】 "SILENCE!"

*Guard 1 riflebutts Takeru*
【Takeru】 "--Ah!"
【Gate Guard 2】 "Hah you should be happy we didn't do the from the start."
【Takeru】 "...Idiot...because you're doing this...we've been defeated already!!"
【Voice】 "Wow sure is noisy out here...what was that about defeat?"
【Takeru】 "Oh......"

【Gate Guard 1】 "P-Professor Koudzuki!!"
【Yuuko】 "The one who reported in, was it you?"

【Gate Guard 1】 "Ha! That's correct!"
【Yuuko】 "So, this man is....Shi-ro-ga-ne Ta-ke-ru?"
--A chance!
That is...all I need to do is get her attention!

【Takeru】 "S-sensei! Listen to my story!"
【Yuuko】 "Sensei? I don't remember having any students."
【Takeru】 "Ah well just roll with that! We're uselessly wasting time here!!
If we don't hurry and do something now the absolute worst will happen to humanity!"
【Gate Guard 1】 "He's been in this manner for a while now...
Anyway professor, it's dangerous out here, leave this to us."
【Yuuko】 "..."

Dangerous...all the way out here...
......what would make them say that!?
【Gate Guard 2】 "Well let's go."

*Guard 2 grapples Shirogane, trying to pull or push him away.*
【Takeru】 "Sensei...research...have you gotten far!?
If you're so carefree about it...again...won't you regret it!?"

【Yuuko】 "Again...?"
【Gate Guard 2】 "Shut up! Quickly! hustle!"
Shit...there's only really one thing I can say now...
nothing left to do but to go for the trump card....!
【Takeru】 "Alternative 5...isn't that the real danger!?"

【Yuuko】 "--!?"
【Gate Guard 1】 "..."
*Guard 1 joins in on the great Shirogane Dogpile'a'thon 8000*
【Takeru】 "-gah, a little more! Sensei and I--"

【Yuuko】 "--Wait a moment."
【Gate Guard 1】 "Huh? ...but...wait..."
......Yes, she responded to me mentioning Alternative 5.
【Takeru】 "...You understand then what'll happen...
Sensei understands it very well, right?"

I didn't want to see her in that sorry, bitter condition...
I've seen that side far too much.
The professor who could of have saved the human race!
To see her crumble away like that...I never want to see it again.

【Yuuko】 "..."
【Takeru】 "Look...maybe it's nothing...but doesn't it perk your interest?"
【Yuuko】 "..."
【Gate Guard 1】 "Uhm....professor?...Can we take him away?"
【Yuuko】 "..."
【Takeru】 "..."

【Yuuko】 "...You, are you really Shirogane Takeru?"
【Takeru】 "That's correct."
【Yuuko】 "Can I prove it?"
...of course.
【Takeru】 "Will it involve getting dissected and being put in a cylinder?"

【Yuuko】 "..."
【Takeru】 "..."
【Gate Guard 1】 "Ah...professor?"

【Yuuko】 "Ah I'm sorry...see, this is an acquaintance of mine."
【Takeru】 "--Sensei!"
【Gate Guard 1】 "Eh!?"

【Yuuko】 "I'm rea~ly sorry...Just now, I just remembered.~"
【Gate Guard 2】 "But...a moment ago...!?"
【Yuuko】 "I couldn't recall before that's why...he'll come with me...alright~?"
【Gate Guard 1】 "Ah, but...!!"

【Yuuko】 "What is it...corporal? Do you want to say anything?"
【Gate Guard 1】 "...No...nevermind..."

【Yuuko】 "I see...well, shall we go?, Shirogane, follow me."
【Takeru】 "Y-Yes!"

God yes! translate more =)